Weather forecasts, reports on current weather conditions, astronomical information and alerts at a specific location (coordinates or location name) based on the HERE 'Destination Weather' API. The information comes from the nearest available weather station and is not interpolated.

weather(poi, product = "observation", url_only = FALSE)



sf object or character, Points of Interest (POIs) of geometry type POINT or location names (e.g. cities or regions).


character, weather product of the 'Destination Weather API'. Supported products: "observation", "forecastHourly", "forecastAstronomy" and "alerts".


boolean, only return the generated URLs (default = FALSE)?


An sf object containing the requested weather information at the nearest weather station. The point geometry in the sf object is the location of the weather station.


# Provide an API Key for a HERE project
set_key("<YOUR API KEY>")

# Observation
observation <- weather(poi = poi, product = "observation", url_only = TRUE)

# Forecast
forecast <- weather(poi = poi, product = "forecast_hourly", url_only = TRUE)

# Astronomy
astronomy <- weather(poi = poi, product = "forecast_astronomy", url_only = TRUE)

# Alerts
alerts <- weather(poi = poi, product = "alerts", url_only = TRUE)