Tool for placing virtual stations in demand-responsive transport systems in villages by defining and minimizing a global energy (drtplanr
, name is inspired by stplanr). The station locations are randomly initialized in the street network and iteratively optimized based on the reachable population in combination with walking and driving times.
The model in the package example optimizes the positions of virtual stations in an assumed on-demand shuttle service for the community of Jegenstorf in Bern, Switzerland.
Load the package example data sets:
aoi <- sf::st_read(system.file("example.gpkg", package="drtplanr"), layer = "aoi") #> Reading layer `aoi' from data source `/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/drtplanr/example.gpkg' using driver `GPKG' #> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 6 fields #> geometry type: POLYGON #> dimension: XY #> bbox: xmin: 7.4947 ymin: 47.0366 xmax: 7.5359 ymax: 47.0599 #> geographic CRS: WGS 84 pop <- sf::st_read(system.file("example.gpkg", package="drtplanr"), layer = "pop") #> Reading layer `pop' from data source `/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/drtplanr/example.gpkg' using driver `GPKG' #> Simple feature collection with 150 features and 4 fields #> geometry type: POINT #> dimension: XY #> bbox: xmin: 7.496534 ymin: 47.04012 xmax: 7.524167 ymax: 47.0581 #> geographic CRS: WGS 84 m <- mapview(aoi, alpha.region = 0, = "AOI", homebutton = FALSE) + mapview(pop, zcol = "n", alpha = 0, = "Population", homebutton = FALSE) m
Create a new demand reponsive transport model for the aoi ‘Jegenstorf’, with 10 randomly initialized virtual on-demand stations.
m <- drt_drtm( model_name = "Jegenstorf", aoi = aoi, pop = pop, n_vir = 15, m_seg = 100 ) #> 2020-05-25 18:30:15 Get data from OSM: Streets 'roa', bus stops and rail stations 'sta' #> Request failed [429]. Retrying in 1.6 seconds... #> Request failed [429]. Retrying in 1.6 seconds... #> 2020-05-25 18:31:25 Create routing graphs for 'foot' and 'mcar' #> 2020-05-25 18:31:25 Mask layers 'roa', 'pop' and 'sta' by 'aoi' #> 2020-05-25 18:31:25 Extract possible station locations 'seg' from street segments #> 2020-05-25 18:31:25 Route driving times of 'seg' to the rail stations #> 2020-05-25 18:31:27 Map stations 'sta' to segments 'seg' and set as constant m #> ================================================================================ #> Demand-responsive transport model 'Jegenstorf' #> #> ______________________________________ i __________________ dE/di ______________ #> Iteration: 0 NaN #> ______________________________________ initial ____________ current ____________ #> Energy: 208127.4 208127.4 #> ______________________________________ existing ___________ virtual ____________ #> Stations: 10 15 #> ______________________________________ lng ________________ lat ________________ #> BBox: min: 7.49470 47.03660 #> max: 7.53590 47.05990
Iterate the model 100 times, where every iteration consists of:
m1 <- drt_iterate(m, 100)
Print model summary:
m1 #> ================================================================================ #> Demand-responsive transport model 'Jegenstorf' #> #> ______________________________________ i __________________ dE/di ______________ #> Iteration: 100 NaN #> ______________________________________ initial ____________ current ____________ #> Energy: 208127.4 94790.2 #> ______________________________________ existing ___________ virtual ____________ #> Stations: 10 15 #> ______________________________________ lng ________________ lat ________________ #> BBox: min: 7.49470 47.03660 #> max: 7.53590 47.05990
drt_plot(m1) #> 2020-05-25 18:31:34 Print energy plot
drt_map(m1) #> 2020-05-25 18:31:35 Print station map
The model state is saved in the model. This allows making copies and store different stages of the optimization.
m2 <- drt_iterate(m1, 900)
Print model summary:
m2 #> ================================================================================ #> Demand-responsive transport model 'Jegenstorf' #> #> ______________________________________ i __________________ dE/di ______________ #> Iteration: 1000 NaN #> ______________________________________ initial ____________ current ____________ #> Energy: 165303.3 51821.1 #> ______________________________________ existing ___________ virtual ____________ #> Stations: 10 15 #> ______________________________________ lng ________________ lat ________________ #> BBox: min: 7.49470 47.03660 #> max: 7.53590 47.05990
drt_plot(m2) #> 2020-05-25 18:31:36 Print energy plot
drt_map(m2) #> 2020-05-25 18:31:36 Print station map
The drtplanr has functions to import and export the drtm objects. Furthermore graphics of the energy plot and the station map can be exported as images (.png).
# Export model drt_export(m2, path = getwd()) # Import model m2 <- drt_import("Jegenstorf_i1000.RData") # Save graphics drt_save_graphics(m2, path = getwd())