• Resubmission of the package to CRAN as it was removed due to a change in testing regime regarding the @donttest statement in the examples.
  • Removed @donttest in sim.glidingSoaring.3d function documentation.
  • Add contributing guidelines and code of conduct.
  • Changed workflow from git flow to trunc-based development. Removed develop branch. New features are merged directly into master and releases are tagged after CRAN has accepted the package submission, which triggers the documentation build.
  • Format package using styler and lintr.
  • Add ORCID to author field in DESCRIPTION.
  • Switch from travis to GitHub Actions.
  • Remove sp, gridExtra and plyr from imports and add to suggestions.

New features

  • Tracks longer than 1500 steps are now allowed as input for reproduce.track.3d(): Replaced stop statement with a message.

Fourth submission to CRAN. Formal changes in the package description and enhanced testing.

New features

  • Package now available on CRAN: install.packages("eRTG3D").
  • Added tests and examples for the point cloud analysis.

Third submission to CRAN. Replaced the parallel version of the functions with one unifying parallel implementation for Unix (fork cluster) and Windows (PSOCK cluster) systems. The number of nodes in the cluster can be set manually, if no value is provided the number of detected cores minus one is used to set up the cluster.

New features

  • New unifying function for parallel computation on Windows AND Unix systems including a progressbar. The parameter name has changed from multicore to parallel since this notation is more correct.
  • The number of nodes in the cluster (forkCluster or PSOCKCluster) can be specified, by setting parallel = nNodes.
  • Added tests for parallel computation.
  • URL to the master thesis and corrected DOI.
  • The functions sim.glidingSoaring.3d(), voxelCount() and chiMaps() are now silent, to unmute set verbose = TRUE.

Initial submission to CRAN. New github page created with pkgdown. Added continuous integration by Travis CI, unit testing with testthat and codecovr for test coverage assessment. Restructured and updated package documentation.

New features

  • GitHub page for the package. Created with pkgdown.
  • Documentation for conducting 2-D simulations and voxel counting in order to extract utilization distributions.
  • Continuous integration by Travis CI.
  • Unit testing with testthat.
  • Test coverage assessment using codecovr.
  • New eRTG3D logo.
  • New index/home area with interactive 3*D plots.
  • Shiny app - Online eRTG3D simulator: https://mufi.shinyapps.io/ertg3d-simulator/.

The 2-D case should also be handled by a 3-D algorithm, therefore the handling of 2-D trajectories is now enabled. To use simulations in 2-D, just pass in a data.frame where the z dimension is zero or has a constant value. The algorithm handles 2-D input correctly and the resulting simulations are valid. Since the third dimension is still part of the 2-D trajectory (either 0 or a constant value), the combination of 3-D and 2-D simulations is straight forward. Furthermore, the wrapper, plotting and testing functions are now also capable of handling 2-D input.

New features

  • Support for simulations in 2-D.
  • Wrapper, plotting and testing functions also adjusted to 2-D.

Replacement of .fd.bw with the R base function grDevices::nclass.FD, closes #29. Update required packages, documentation and vignettes.

New features

Updated roxygen2 function documentations with examples that run properly. Declared all import statements properly. R CMD check --as-cran eRTG3D_0.5.6.tar.gz runs properly, no errors and warnings only 3 notes.

New features

  • Running examples in roxygen function documentations

Parallel calculations are now also enabled for Windows, just set multicore=TRUE to use it. The 3-D plots are now adjusted to plotly 4.8.0, since the coloring is handled differently for markers and lines.

The package now is based on R 3.5.1 and all packages have been updated.

New features

  • Parallel processing enabled also on Windows OS.
  • Better coloring in 3-D plots.

Dependencies updated, documentation updated and variable names in plots adjusted.

New features

  • Consistent variable names in plots.

Public release of the R package as it was at the submission of the master’s thesis: Unterfinger, M (2018). “3-D Trajectory Simulation in Movement Ecology: Conditional Empirical Random Walk”. Master’s thesis. University of Zurich.

New features

  • Package is available on GitHub.